

<h3 style=”margin-top: 0px;”>Green Team News: Clinic Installs Solar Panels!</h3>
<h4 style=”font-size: 14px;”>The five clinics of the Escambia County Health Department in Pensacola, Florida (@HealthyEscambia) earned their Green Doctor Office Recognition in 2011. Their efforts have been saving money and decreasing air pollution for more than ten years! This year, they used some of the money saved to buy photovoltaic solar panels to generate their own clean, renewable energy. Now they are saving even more money and more fossil fuels. We thank Greg Berrian and Rudy Lopez for leading this effort, and also their Director, Dr. John Lanza:</h4>
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<h3 style=”margin-top: 0px;”>Escambia County Health Department</h3>
<h4 style=”font-size: 14px;”><a href=”http://www.escambiahealth.com/”>Website</a></h4>
<h4 style=”font-size: 14px;”>The Escambia County Health Department in Pensacola, Florida, USA, is saving money with My Green Doctor: FMA congratulates the five offices of the Escambia County Health Department that have earned a Green Doctor Office certificate from the Florida Medical Association. The ECHD in Florida studied its energy use for one year before and after adopting energy conservation measures. Their biggest measurable savings came from deciding to turn off their hot water heaters for all their facilities. The offices saved energy every month. The energy reduction was approximately 5.2 percent per day for an annual savings of approximately $14,000. Their carbon dioxide equivalent emissions for the year were reduced by approximately 85,600 pounds or the equivalent of more than 4,340 gallons of gasoline. This meant real air quality improvement for the citizens of Escambia County.</h4>
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My Green Doctor

<h3 style=”margin-top: 0px;”>Fivenson Dermatology,  Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA</h3>
<p><a href=”https://www.fivensondermatology.com/%20″>https://www.fivensondermatology.com/</a><br />
<a href=”https://www.facebook.com/fivensonderm/%20″>https://www.facebook.com/fivensonderm/</a><br />
<a href=”https://www.fivensondermatology.com/blog.html”>https://www.fivensondermatology.com/blog.html</a></p>
<p>Fivenson Dermatology was awarded the Green Doctor Office Recognition Certificate in December 2018, having completed the requirements of five Green Team meetings, five Action Steps, and five Education Steps.  Their Green Team continues to meet regularly as part of each office staff meeting.  One of Fivenson’s innovations was to create a Green Team bulletin board for the  office where colleagues can learn about their Green Team’s project and exchange  ideas.  This is a great idea!  We thank Fivenson Dermatology for adding to My Green Doctor this new Education Step!

<h3 style=”margin-top: 0px;”>Escambia County Health Department</h3>
<h4 style=”font-size: 14px;”><a href=”http://www.escambiahealth.com/”>Website</a></h4>
<h4 style=”font-size: 14px;”>The Escambia County Health Department in Pensacola, Florida, USA, is saving money with My Green Doctor: FMA congratulates the five offices of the Escambia County Health Department that have earned a Green Doctor Office certificate from the Florida Medical Association. The ECHD in Florida studied its energy use for one year before and after adopting energy conservation measures. Their biggest measurable savings came from deciding to turn off their hot water heaters for all their facilities. The offices saved energy every month. The energy reduction was approximately 5.2 percent per day for an annual savings of approximately $14,000. Their carbon dioxide equivalent emissions for the year were reduced by approximately 85,600 pounds or the equivalent of more than 4,340 gallons of gasoline. This meant real air quality improvement for the citizens of Escambia County.</h4>
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My Green Doctor

<h3 style=”margin-top: 0px;”>Fivenson Dermatology,  Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA</h3>
<p><a href=”https://www.fivensondermatology.com/%20″>https://www.fivensondermatology.com/</a><br />
<a href=”https://www.facebook.com/fivensonderm/%20″>https://www.facebook.com/fivensonderm/</a><br />
<a href=”https://www.fivensondermatology.com/blog.html”>https://www.fivensondermatology.com/blog.html</a></p>
<p>Fivenson Dermatology was awarded the Green Doctor Office Recognition Certificate in December 2018, having completed the requirements of five Green Team meetings, five Action Steps, and five Education Steps.  Their Green Team continues to meet regularly as part of each office staff meeting.  One of Fivenson’s innovations was to create a Green Team bulletin board for the  office where colleagues can learn about their Green Team’s project and exchange  ideas.  This is a great idea!  We thank Fivenson Dermatology for adding to My Green Doctor this new Education Step!


<h3 style=”margin-top: 0px;”>Green Team News: Clinic Installs Solar Panels!</h3>
<h4 style=”font-size: 14px;”>The five clinics of the Escambia County Health Department in Pensacola, Florida (@HealthyEscambia) earned their Green Doctor Office Recognition in 2011. Their efforts have been saving money and decreasing air pollution for more than ten years! This year, they used some of the money saved to buy photovoltaic solar panels to generate their own clean, renewable energy. Now they are saving even more money and more fossil fuels. We thank Greg Berrian and Rudy Lopez for leading this effort, and also their Director, Dr. John Lanza:</h4>
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<h3 style=”margin-top: 0px;”>Escambia County Health Department</h3>
<h4 style=”font-size: 14px;”><a href=”http://www.escambiahealth.com/”>Website</a></h4>
<h4 style=”font-size: 14px;”>The Escambia County Health Department in Pensacola, Florida, USA, is saving money with My Green Doctor: FMA congratulates the five offices of the Escambia County Health Department that have earned a Green Doctor Office certificate from the Florida Medical Association. The ECHD in Florida studied its energy use for one year before and after adopting energy conservation measures. Their biggest measurable savings came from deciding to turn off their hot water heaters for all their facilities. The offices saved energy every month. The energy reduction was approximately 5.2 percent per day for an annual savings of approximately $14,000. Their carbon dioxide equivalent emissions for the year were reduced by approximately 85,600 pounds or the equivalent of more than 4,340 gallons of gasoline. This meant real air quality improvement for the citizens of Escambia County.</h4>
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My Green Doctor

<h3 style=”margin-top: 0px;”>Fivenson Dermatology,  Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA</h3>
<p><a href=”https://www.fivensondermatology.com/%20″>https://www.fivensondermatology.com/</a><br />
<a href=”https://www.facebook.com/fivensonderm/%20″>https://www.facebook.com/fivensonderm/</a><br />
<a href=”https://www.fivensondermatology.com/blog.html”>https://www.fivensondermatology.com/blog.html</a></p>
<p>Fivenson Dermatology was awarded the Green Doctor Office Recognition Certificate in December 2018, having completed the requirements of five Green Team meetings, five Action Steps, and five Education Steps.  Their Green Team continues to meet regularly as part of each office staff meeting.  One of Fivenson’s innovations was to create a Green Team bulletin board for the  office where colleagues can learn about their Green Team’s project and exchange  ideas.  This is a great idea!  We thank Fivenson Dermatology for adding to My Green Doctor this new Education Step!

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