Guide to My Green Doctor
My Green Doctor’s Green Purchasing Platform
The Green Purchasing Platform is for managers and purchasing agents of medical clinics, offices, practices, or other outpatient facilities, including ambulatory care centers. Here we list companies that offer environmentally preferred products and that have been awarded our “Preferred Choice” logo.
The US healthcare industry uses vast amounts of energy, water, paper, chemicals, plastics, and other resources. The Green Purchasing Platform helps you find products that are safer for the office staff, better for the environment, and priced competitively. Now you can feel good about what you
are buying!
My Green Doctor receives no payment or kickback based upon your purchases of “Preferred Choice” products. We invite your recommendations or feedback: [email protected].
Products or companies are awarded the “Preferred Choice” logo based upon factors including such as worker safety, environmental and climate impacts, health safety of the products themselves (e.g. toxin free), packaging, reusability, recyclability, product disposal, and company commitments to greenhouse gas reduction. “Preferred Choice” products will be superior to their competitors for one or more of these factors. My Green Doctor uses established certifying organizations as the basis for most “Preferred Choice” determinations:
How to Use My Green Doctor
My Green Doctor is a practice management guide to adding environmental sustainability and climate change preparedness to healthcare clinics, offices, and outpatient centers. Our website shows you step-by-step how to do this by adding only FIVE MINUTES of My Green Doctor to the agenda of a regular staff meeting once a month.
My Green Doctor is for everyone in the office:
Managers, nurses, aides, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, therapists, clerical staff, lab techs, administrators, cleaning staff, computer experts, and even the doctors. No scientific or environmental knowledge is needed. Anyone can register and use the website. My Green Doctor costs your practice very little or is FREE if you belong to one of our thirty health professional Participating Organizations. Contact us if you need your organization’s Discount Code or would like your organization to office My Green Doctor as a membership benefit: [email protected] .
Make “going green” your official policy.
Adopt environmental sustainability as one of your core values. Many businesses, large and small, have taken this step. It’s about saving money, a healthier office, and a healthier community. If you are a manager, we have an easy guide to introducing My Green Doctor to your leadership team, whether your are a single office or a large system with thirty practices: Guide for Managers
When to meet?
Most offices add five-minute of My Green Doctor business once a month to the agenda of a regular clinic business or staff meeting. Our “Meeting-by-Meeting Guide” provides a full script for each five-minute session.
Stay on track with our Meeting-by-Meeting Guide:
The Guide explains what to say and do at each of your first ten meetings using My Green Doctor. It directs you to the Action Steps that are easiest for most practices. In addition, Partner Society Members and Green Sustainer Members can access our seven Workbooks with the more than 140 Action and Education Steps to explore in the years ahead.
We provide a simple Green Doctor Notes form for tracking of the sustainability decisions made at each staff meeting.
Commit to earning the Green Doctor Office Recognition Certificate in as little as six months. You will be saving money and creating a healthier community. Your patients and colleagues will be impressed!
What’s stopping you? Speak today to your practice manager or leader about adding five minutes of My Green Doctor to the agenda of you next practice planning meeting.
Introducing My Green Doctor to Your Staff
An environmental sustainability program should be easy, enjoyable, and effective for managers and their staff. This page explains in three easy steps how to introduce My Green Doctor to your staff, whether that’s one office with three employees or a system of thirty locations and a staff of 300:
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Green Doctor Office Recognition
The Green Doctor Office Recognition certificate is awarded to offices that demonstrate meaningful improvements in their environmental practices. This is a handsome certificate for you to print several copies of to frame and display in your office, clinic or outpatient center.
How to Qualify for the Green Doctor Recognition Certificate
The Green Doctor Office Recognition certificate is free if one of your office members is a member of one of our partnering health professional organizations. For non-members, recognition is $250 (US), valid for three years. Please contact My Green Doctor’s editor to learn how your organization can become a partner at no charge [email protected].
The minimum requirements for Recognition are:
- Completion of five Green Team meetings
- Completion of five Action Steps
- Completion of five Education Steps
We suggest that you print out the Green Team Notes form to keep track of your meetings. Detailed records are not needed; just a few words that will help your Team keep tracks of your projects and progress.
Educations Steps: We provide dozens of suggestions, found in the Meeting-By-Meeting Guide, and in our seven free Workbooks. Examples: inform staff members on a topic at a staff meeting, print out some our free brochures (see the Resources tab) to give to patients in the waiting room, or pick a daily theme (see “Tip of the Week” in the Resources tab) that can be mentioned by your office colleagues to patients visiting the practice. We offer dozens of themes, such as reminders to exercise, tips on safe pharmaceutical disposal, and advice on being prepared for extreme heat events, flooding, or storms.
Green Doctor Notes form
Download a PDF of the Green Doctor Notes Form