Impress Your Patients as a Green Office

My Green Doctor is a tool for saving money in the doctor office and for creating a healthier workplace.  You will enjoy further benefits as you impress your patients.

“Impress” has a double meaning here. First, your involvement in My Green Doctor will be impressive to your patients. They will see your Green Doctor Office certificate (free) on your waiting room wall, see your recycling bins, and perhaps see your stickers asking them to turns off light switches & faucets. They will perhaps learns from a doctor or nurse about avoiding bottled water, or bicycling to work, or how to discard pharmaceuticals (“in the trash; never flush”), or how to choose healthy and environmentally-wise foods. Your patients will be impressed by your progressive, broad- minded interest in their health. This is self-marketing at its best.

You have also the ability to impress upon your patients information that may profoundly Influence their health and happiness. My Green Doctor includes twelve free PDF brochures that your office can download, print, and leave in the waiting room.  These brochures are written for non-scientists, and are full of peer-reviewed and evidence-based ideas that your patients and you can trust.  The topics are diverse and practical, such as wise home energy use, water conservation in the home or garden, “green” design tips, and bicycle safety.   We find that these brochures disappear quickly from our waiting rooms, and each brochure earns one Education Step towards your required five Education Steps for Green Doctor Office Recognition.

You can be impressive to  your patients and upon your patients.   Please log on and download your first brochure today.  Make a habit of sharing wise environmental decisions with your co-workers and patients.  And please share with us any ideas or questions you have about teaching your patients.