Big savings idea: Turn off your hot water heater!

Check out this Action Step from the Energy Efficiency Workbook.  the Escambia County Health Department (ECHD) in Pensacola, Florida looked into the safety of  turning off the hot water heaters for their 5 doctor offices.  Their literature search validated that hot water is not required for proper hand washing or hygiene.  It is soap and hand friction, not hot water, that are key to preventing the spread of infection.  Now ECHD is saving thousands of dollar each year.

Go ahead– discuss this at your next Green Team meeting, and turn off the heat!  Doing so will save you money and is one Action Step towards your MGD Green Doctor Office status and certificate.

And while you are at it, make up a simple flier for your waiting room to let your patients know about this– you will be reminding them of  the value of hand washing, telling themof the benefits of less energy use, and earning an Education Step towards your Green Doctor Office status.  Please email us the flier to share with other offices.   We are always pleased to hear from our users.

We thank Escambia County’s Dr John Lanza and Mt Robert Merritt for this idea.


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