If You Work in a Hospital…
Hospitals in the U.S. are responsible for about a third of these emissions and perhaps 145,000 years of
If You Work in a Clinic or Office…
A meaningful share of air pollution worldwide is the result of outpatient healthcare: our medical clinics, offices, surgical centers, imaging departments, and dental practices. In the U.S., the outpatient share of healthcare’s pollution is 26%, almost equal to the share caused by hospitals. There are important financial savings available to practices that make a sustained effort at “going green”. A five-office multi-specialty practice in Pensacola, Florida rolled up its sleeves to reduce its energy use and has been saving more than $14,000 each year on its electric bill. The fuel that did not need to be burned to make electricity was the equivalent of 4,340 gallons of gasoline and 85,600 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions per year. This level of energy efficiency extended over 10,000 medical offices– about 10% of American offices—would mean $140 million saved in energy costs and the equivalent of 43 million gallons of gasoline left unburned. The health benefits of burning less fossil fuel
“The goal is a sustainable environmental sustainability program.”
Your first step is to register at My Green Doctor (https://mygreendoctor.org/ or https://www.MyGreenDoctor.es/ for Spanish), and to ask your practice manager to register as well. Offices learn how to add five minutes of My Green Doctor business to the agenda of every regular staff meeting. The “Meeting-by-Meeting Guide” provides a script for each meeting so there is nothing for your office manager to study in advance. The topics include energy and water use, recycling, wise uses of chemicals, renewable energy, transportation choices, green purchasing, healthy foods, and patient education. Most offices save money in the first month and they can qualify for the Green Doctor Office Certificate in as little as three months.
Health professionals are among the most trusted members of society. Nurses, doctors, and pharmacists are generally ranked as the top three professions, trusted more even than clergy, journalists, or elected leaders . Other surveys tell us that large majorities of physicians and nurses believe that they have a responsibility to explain to patients the health risks of environmental threats and climate change. Likewise, surveys report that patients are eager for this information. A recently published survey of 376 parents in U.S. pediatric offices asked about climate change teaching by their health professionals. Eighty percent of parents agreed or strongly agreed that the impact of climate change on their child’s health should be presented, and yet only 4% recalled receiving this information in the prior twelve months.
A physician or nurse may see 1500-3000 patients per year in the office. The average U.S. resident will visit an office-based physician two to three times per year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and wait an average of 18 minutes per visit. Patients are receptive to health information in the forms of brochures, posters, and video screen presentations, and report that these improve patient satisfaction with the waiting room and with the visit experience. Even simple teaching measures, such as providing waiting room brochures for patients, can magnify dramatically your influence to improve the environment.
My Green Doctor offers dozens of free brochures, in English and Spanish, on topics such as wise energy use, “green” cleaning products, water conservation, heat-related illness, pharmaceuticals disposal, bottled water, and healthy foods. Please email My Green Doctor if you would like to receive free waiting room brochures by mail: [email protected].
“Free waiting room brochures can be mailed to your office.”
Families may experience multiple health benefits from increased environmental literacy. For example, they will know how to protect themselves from heat-related illness, be prepared for extreme weather events, decrease their exposures to indoor air toxins through better choices for uses of energy and chemicals, make more visits to public parks, and choose healthier plant-based diets. Increased climate change literacy also may increase the support by communities for policies at the municipal, state, and federal levels that prioritize carbon mitigation and adaptation.
As a health professional, you can have an outsized influence upon the environmental health of your office and of your community, even as your practice saves money by saving resources. The steps needed to achieve a sustainable environmental sustainability program are not difficult: register at My Green Doctor, ask your practice leaders to make sustainability a goal, add five minutes of My Green Doctor to each office meeting agenda, and make slow, steady improvements by using to the Meeting-by-Meeting Guide from My Green Doctor. Your choices do matter! #MyGreenDoctor #sustainability #noharm #AAFP