Welcome to My Green Doctor!

We will guide your healthcare practice towards clinic sustainable environmental choices that will save you money and make your office healthier.  Here you learn ideas for your office, your families, your patients, and your community.  The step-by-step approach of our “Meeting-by-Meeting Guide” makes this easy for your colleagues and you.  You can qualify for the Green Doctor Office Recognition certificate from My Green Doctor in as little as 2 months. Add value to your practice by using My Green Doctor!

Registering your practice at My Green Doctor costs very little or is FREE if you belong to one of our thirty health professional Participating Organizations. Using the “Meeting-by-Meeting Guide”, you will add just five minutes of My Green Doctor to each monthly or weekly staff meeting. The Guide tells you what to say and decide so there is nothing for the office manager or leader to prepare.

We help you to share wise ideas with your patients by providing dozens of free brochures, posters, and teaching tips.  This is how health professionals prepare their communities for the health threats of global climate change.

My Green Doctor is a free, not-for-profit service owned by the Florida Medical Association, Tallahassee, Florida, USA, and supported by the My Green Doctor Foundation, a non-profit, 501(c)(3) charitable organization.

People are saving thousands of dollars every year by including environmental sustainability in their offices & homes.  My Green Doctor is for anyone who works in a healthcare clinic or office:  office managers, receptionists, billing experts, the cleaning team, nurses, social workers, pharmacists, nurse practitioners, information technology wizards, doctors, or whatever job you have.

If this is your first visit to us, please click below to Register with us. It is secure and takes just five minutes to join us. If you have already registered, look at the tab, “Why Offices Go Green”, and then check out “Quick Start, Now!” to learn in fifteen minutes how to start your environmental sustainability journey.

Welcome to a greener, healthier office and community!

Register Now!