How Green is Your Travel?

By Emily Wong Most of us love to travel. It adds spice to our lives, whether learning new ideas, discussing our research at medical meetings, creating friendships, encountering cultures, or visiting loved ones. But travel’s “dark side“ is its environmental cost: the carbon dioxide and other pollutants

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“Green” Offices are Healthier: New Analysis

“Green” Offices are Healthier:  New Analysis Author: Todd L Sack MD FACP                                            We know that hospitals create a lot of hazardous pollution:  air pollution, chemical waste, bio-hazards, dirty water, and greenhouse gases.  A 2016 study by  Matthew Eckelman and Jodi Sherman from Northeastern and Yale and Northeastern

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What is “My Green Doctor” ?

What is “My Green Doctor” ?

This website shows you how any doctor office can use wise environmental practices to make your office healthier and save you money.  Here you learn ideas for your office, your families, your patients, and your community.   We will guide you step-by-step to create an office Green Team and to take

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