“I’ll Be Joining an Environmentally Friendly Practice” Archeta Rajagopalan, BS As a medical student, I see the profound environmental wastefulness in the clinics where I’ve trained. I also see see the impacts of climate change. The seasons were distinct when I grew up; now we have deadly
Read more →Gas stoves are a significant health risk. This is true especially for children and the elderly. People who live in homes with gas stoves have more asthma, lung disease, and cardiovascular issues. We explain here the risks and offer steps that families who live in a home
Read more →PFAS chemicals seem to be everywhere these days: at the top of Mount Everest, in umbilical cord blood, in breast milk, and in the news. In 2022, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced new health advisories for PFAS in drinking water. My Green Doctor explains why PFAS
Read more →The Environment & Healthcare: Do Our Choices Matter? Todd L Sack MD FACP World leaders are swarming to conferences to debate grand problems like COVID-19, poverty, inflation, trade, nuclear weapons, and climate change. Many health professionals who are not at these meetings ask whether the choices we
Read more →Save Money This Year by “Going Solar” Authors: Todd L Sack MD FACP Pete Wilking, MBA, NABCEP, Licensed Solar Contractor Now may be the time to add solar panels to your home or healthcare practice. We offer six reasons why “going solar” could be your best financial
Read more →Environmental Injustice: Learn the Risks to Your Patients Joy Lloyd-Montgomery Environmental injustice could be the most important health risk factor you’ve never heard of. Why is a child in your practice falling behind in school? Why does a teenager have asthma? Why does a young adult have
Read more →Environmental Sustainability: A Core Value Essential for Today’s Healthcare Practice Author: Todd L Sack MD Today more than ever, you need to be an environmentally sustainable practice. This is because the skills that lead to sustainability are the same skills that help you to thrive in today’s
Read more →Green Apartment & Condo Living Todd L. Sack MD, FACP Just because you live in an apartment or condominium doesn’t mean you cannot be part of the “green living” movement. The benefits are significant for your personal finances, your happiness, and the health of your community. This
Read more →Travel Green: Buying Offsets & More Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint Todd L Sack MD FACP Most of us love to travel. Our trips add spice to our lives, whether finding new friends, encountering cultures, visiting loved ones, learning new ideas, or building our business. Travel’s
Read more →Go Meatless for Your Family’s Health and the Planet’s Todd L Sack MD FACP Why not “go meatless” for at least one day each week? Call it “Meatless Monday!” Good nutrition means eating foods containing protein along with a balance of carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals.
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