Waiting Room Brochures

 My Green Doctor brochures help people save money at home and be healthier. These brochures were created by health professionals exclusively for My Green Doctor.  They offer practical ideas that are easy to understand and use.

 “Your Healthy Home” brochures are packed with useful ideas for families to save money and to be healthier, with topics about wise energy use, healthy foods, climate change and health, extreme heat, chemicals, & more.

Click on any of the brochure images below to open a brochure. Or use this link or QR code to read the brochures any time. Why not share the link or QR code with friends, family members, or patients?

To Read “Your Healthy Home” Brochures in English

Air Pollution Fires (Spanish)
Healthy Eating (Spanish)
Extreme Heat (Spanish)
Climate Change (Spanish)
Green Cleaning
Air Pollution Fires (English)
Healthy Eating (English)
Extreme Heat (English)
Climate Change (English)
Waiting Room Brochures
Let’s begin with Green Cleaning