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“Green” Offices are Healthier: New Analysis

“Green” Offices are Healthier:  New Analysis Author: Todd L Sack MD FACP                                            We know that hospitals create a lot of hazardous pollution:  air pollution, chemical waste, bio-hazards, dirty water, and greenhouse gases.  A 2016 study by  Matthew Eckelman and Jodi Sherman from Northeastern and Yale and Northeastern

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Save Money This Year by “Going Solar”

Save Money This Year by “Going Solar” Authors: Todd L Sack MD FACP Pete Wilking, MBA, NABCEP, Licensed Solar  Contractor Now may be the time to add solar panels to your home or healthcare practice.  We offer six reasons why “going solar” could be your best financial

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Environmental Injustice: Learn the Risks to Your Patients

Environmental Injustice:  Learn the Risks to Your Patients Joy Lloyd-Montgomery Environmental injustice could be the most important health risk factor you’ve never heard of.  Why is a child in your practice falling behind in school?  Why does a teenager have asthma?  Why does a young adult have

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Green Apartment & Condo Living

Green Apartment & Condo Living Todd L. Sack MD, FACP Just because you live in an apartment or condominium doesn’t mean you cannot be part of the “green living” movement. The benefits are significant for your personal finances, your happiness, and the health of your community. This

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Prescribe “Nature” for your Patients

Editor’s Note:  We think you’ll  enjoy this 5 minute report on ‘Nature Therapy”.  At the end of the article are eight ideas for your office. Try writing this prescription: “Walk outside 30-60 minutes daily!” Even mild exercise such as daily walking is a potent treatment for anxiety,

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